Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gender Roles Today

I am man hear me roar! I run this shit. I'm in charge. Do this. Do that. Wash this, cook that. just do it because I said so.  These are some of the things I heard growing up.  My parents were very dysfunctional!  Today women are so very independent doing their own thing, starting businesses, in government, going to school. Women are doing so much of what once was considered a male role.  I think this is great no longer is the burden of being the sole provider in a household entirely on the male.  Women are awesome and so beautiful what a great thing to have them in the work place, school, and everywhere where men are.  I'm all about a females independent nature if that's what she so chooses to do.  However if she does want to stay at home and be a "housewife" so be it.  as long as both people come to an agreement and agree with their role they will play, I see no problem. I'm grateful to the Opera's and Hilary Clinton's of the world.  it shows women that yes! they can do what men do, and may even do it better. So to all you FEMALES out there keep on showing us your strength.  I Love You For This!

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