Mandatory prayer in Public schools? absolutely not. I feel strongly that if an individual wants to pray that's great and fine but by no means should any individual be forced into prayer. God, Higher Power, Buddha, or whatever people choose as their God is personal and close to the heart. Making a child or even an adult be mandated by the state or a school is ridiculous. Don't get me wrong I love Jesus and believe very much in God. As a child raised Catholic, I was forced religion down my throat and grew up resentful towards God. Now, not all are the same, but we should all have our own expression to be free from any force on the matter relating to prayer. We have enough crazy holy rollers out there that get in the way of people being able to choose their own faith. I have some very firm beliefs and feel that the Muslim faith is fine and also should be accepted. But if your in our country living in our land i do not feel it fair to others for you to be able to be excused from class or work to pray. I'm by no means a hater on the Muslim faith, I just feel that our country was founded on Christianity. Yes we let people from all over the world come to America but why should they get treated any differently then the red blooded Americans that were born her. So go ahead and pray but do it on your own time. God of any ones understanding is always there. Heck I pray at times in the shower.
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