Friday, November 5, 2010

Do certain children's toys create social or emotional or other problems?

  Absolutely!  Toys today play a huge impact on a child's development emotional and social development.  Let me give you one example.  Toy Guns!  what in the fuck were toy makers thinking?  That its OK for a child to play with a gun?  it doesn't matter if its a toy gun or not. a gun represents violence, and for a child to possess this as a toy or real  it instills upon them that gun play is OK and its "cool" to shoot people, animals etc. I mean come on.  I'm a parent to a infant boy and I hope that I will never let him play with guns of any kind.  Unless of course we go hunting, or a gun range or something relating to the responsible aspect of guns. by that time he will be big enough to know the difference between whats OK and whats not OK  "right from wrong"  It is my responsibility as a parent to teach him these things now and continue to raise him right.  

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