First off lets explain a little about what is equitable when it comes to divorce.
When a couple decides to divorce, all marital property must be distributed between the two parties.
In most states, a practice known as “equitable distribution” is followed, meaning that the court attempts to distribute the property in a manner that is “fair and just”. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the property is distributed evenly, only that it is done in a way that is fair.
To do this, the court will consider a variety of factors, including the parties’ income, contributions to the marriage, the standard of living and even the potential for future income after the divorce is final.
Equitable distribution is designed to provide for the needs of both spouses as much as possible without worrying about splitting the property down the middle. But because there are so many variables, there is no set rule as to how your property might be divided.
When children are involved for example, the marital home is often awarded to the custodial spouse. In a community property state, this type of asset would likely be sold and the proceeds split evenly between the two parties. If the house were awarded to the custodial spouse, the non-custodial spouse would then likely receive other property and assets of a value equal to the home. Not so in equitable distribution.
Using this method of property distribution, the parties may or may not receive an equal share of the marital property. Rather than focusing on a half and half distribution, equitable distribution seeks to prevent either party from financial disaster after the divorce.
So, if one party makes considerably more than the other, the court would likely try to protect the lesser-earning spouse by awarding a larger portion of property and/or spousal support, believing that the wealthier spouse will have an easier time adjusting to a self-sufficient lifestyle than their lesser-earning counterpart.
So Basically i feel that if the parties want a divorce and their are minor children involved and the wife/woman is making less then or has been the sole parent , YES property monies and personal property should be divided fair and as equally as possible. Now ladies don't think you can go all gold digging on us hard working males. Divorce is a very difficult and sore topic for people. I've been divorced and it SUCKED. My ex-wife was trying to get me for alimony and their were no children involved, but because she didn't work the whole marriage and I supported her, she felt entitled to a payout. THANK GOD the JUDGE thought otherwise.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Is rehabilitation of felony offenders possible? Desirable?
Friday, November 5, 2010
Should the federal government provide health care for all citizens who cannot afford their own?
Oh boy don't get me started on government and health care. I'm so opinionated on this subject. YES I do believe that the government should supply health care to individuals that can't afford their own. This is AMERICA, We need to look out for our fellow country men/women. To even think that all citizens don't have health care is ludicrous. I think that ALL AMERICANS HAVE THE RIGHT TO SUBSIDIZED HEALTH CARE to make it affordable to ALL U.S. CITIZENS! I don't believe the current system works because the insurance companies that provide our services main purpose is to make money, make a profit. It is not right that people are attempting to make a profit gambling with peoples lives and health treatments. Maybe another solution is to make all insurance companies non-profit.
Do certain children's toys create social or emotional or other problems?
Absolutely! Toys today play a huge impact on a child's development emotional and social development. Let me give you one example. Toy Guns! what in the fuck were toy makers thinking? That its OK for a child to play with a gun? it doesn't matter if its a toy gun or not. a gun represents violence, and for a child to possess this as a toy or real it instills upon them that gun play is OK and its "cool" to shoot people, animals etc. I mean come on. I'm a parent to a infant boy and I hope that I will never let him play with guns of any kind. Unless of course we go hunting, or a gun range or something relating to the responsible aspect of guns. by that time he will be big enough to know the difference between whats OK and whats not OK "right from wrong" It is my responsibility as a parent to teach him these things now and continue to raise him right.
Absolutely! Toys today play a huge impact on a child's development emotional and social development. Let me give you one example. Toy Guns! what in the fuck were toy makers thinking? That its OK for a child to play with a gun? it doesn't matter if its a toy gun or not. a gun represents violence, and for a child to possess this as a toy or real it instills upon them that gun play is OK and its "cool" to shoot people, animals etc. I mean come on. I'm a parent to a infant boy and I hope that I will never let him play with guns of any kind. Unless of course we go hunting, or a gun range or something relating to the responsible aspect of guns. by that time he will be big enough to know the difference between whats OK and whats not OK "right from wrong" It is my responsibility as a parent to teach him these things now and continue to raise him right.
Have the large salaries of professional athletes had a negative impact on the athletes or the sports?
Athletes and their huge salaries are greatly affecting the game today. Whether its baseball, football, or basketball, all sports are being changed. Some of these athletes think because they make the big dollars that their the team well I don't see any I's in team. Any game or sport takes more then one person to be successful, Some these major stars get EGO"S bigger then life and believe their entitled to big bucks and don't have to be team players. Bullshit first of all you should feel grateful to be able to play a sport that you enjoy and get paid to do! What a GOD given gift. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for great athletes getting paid large, but please still be a team player, come to practice, training camps, and get along with your teammates. Sometimes I'd like to see a salary cap, but then I think that's not fair. because some athletes are so F ing good at what they do they sometimes do have an impact and wins and loses. There are players that could never have the abilities of some of these greats. Just to mention
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Should mandatory (or voluntary) prayer be permitted in public schools?
Mandatory prayer in Public schools? absolutely not. I feel strongly that if an individual wants to pray that's great and fine but by no means should any individual be forced into prayer. God, Higher Power, Buddha, or whatever people choose as their God is personal and close to the heart. Making a child or even an adult be mandated by the state or a school is ridiculous. Don't get me wrong I love Jesus and believe very much in God. As a child raised Catholic, I was forced religion down my throat and grew up resentful towards God. Now, not all are the same, but we should all have our own expression to be free from any force on the matter relating to prayer. We have enough crazy holy rollers out there that get in the way of people being able to choose their own faith. I have some very firm beliefs and feel that the Muslim faith is fine and also should be accepted. But if your in our country living in our land i do not feel it fair to others for you to be able to be excused from class or work to pray. I'm by no means a hater on the Muslim faith, I just feel that our country was founded on Christianity. Yes we let people from all over the world come to America but why should they get treated any differently then the red blooded Americans that were born her. So go ahead and pray but do it on your own time. God of any ones understanding is always there. Heck I pray at times in the shower.
Should laws regarding minimum wage (or the forty-hour work week) be revised?
To be completely honest with you I've never in my life as an employee worked for minimum wage. How can anyone survive and actually live off that? I have no idea how people do it. Ive been fortunate enough to be a skilled carpenter and have worked in the building trades for years. I have friends and family that today, make only minimum wage, and I see the struggles they go through. We are all struggling in these times of economic crunch. Jobs are virtually non existent. If a particular person does however make minimum wage, I feel that they should be compensated for every second there working or clocked in; Time and a half for any second over forty hours only seems fair. Actually its probably less then fair but employers should be giving their employees there fair share for the time they put in at a certain job. I seriously think that we should definitely increase our minimum wage to at least the cost of living would $10.00 an hour be more accurate? That's still bottom dollar, hard to make a living on, but can be managed. All I can say is PLEASE VOTE and vote Democratic.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
3.Should newspaper reporters be required to reveal their sources?
No Newspaper reporters should not be required to reveal their sources unless a person is at risk or our Country is in danger. freedom of press and the right to privacy is important to me and many Americans. Our country is more and more forgetting or ignoring the rights of our citizens to help further the governments cause and not ours (THE AMERICAN). I say to the Establishment to S...k my .....! fill in the blanks.
If i were required to tell others about the things they've share with me in confidence i would have no friend. Same as with the reporter if he shared his sources secrets the either would be out a job or not have nothing to write about because he would not be trusted. trust is the foundation to all good relationships weather personal or job related. SO KEEP ON KEEPING YOUR LIPS SEALERS AND WRITE AWAY ILL NEVER TELL SHIT TO NO ONE UNLESS SOMEONE OR MY GREAT NATION WAS AT RISK!
If i were required to tell others about the things they've share with me in confidence i would have no friend. Same as with the reporter if he shared his sources secrets the either would be out a job or not have nothing to write about because he would not be trusted. trust is the foundation to all good relationships weather personal or job related. SO KEEP ON KEEPING YOUR LIPS SEALERS AND WRITE AWAY ILL NEVER TELL SHIT TO NO ONE UNLESS SOMEONE OR MY GREAT NATION WAS AT RISK!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cell Phones
You Ever been in class and a fellow classmates phone is Ringing and ringing and ringing? I have, This semester alone nearly all my courses, someones F ing phone is going off. Its rude, disrespectful, disturbing, disruptive, and just plain B.S. When were paying to go to school and receive a education and the instructor has to stop and wait for a phone to stop, I am thoroughly upset by this I have asked students to turn their phones off , and it still happens HELLO! respect your fellow peers turn it off, put it on vibrate, silent it, or just leave class in a quiet respectful way if your life is that important that you cant wait 90 minutes to check your phone.Please be courteous and respect others boundaries as well as your own. Help make our classrooms a place of learning not socializing.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Gender Roles Today
I am man hear me roar! I run this shit. I'm in charge. Do this. Do that. Wash this, cook that. just do it because I said so. These are some of the things I heard growing up. My parents were very dysfunctional! Today women are so very independent doing their own thing, starting businesses, in government, going to school. Women are doing so much of what once was considered a male role. I think this is great no longer is the burden of being the sole provider in a household entirely on the male. Women are awesome and so beautiful what a great thing to have them in the work place, school, and everywhere where men are. I'm all about a females independent nature if that's what she so chooses to do. However if she does want to stay at home and be a "housewife" so be it. as long as both people come to an agreement and agree with their role they will play, I see no problem. I'm grateful to the Opera's and Hilary Clinton's of the world. it shows women that yes! they can do what men do, and may even do it better. So to all you FEMALES out there keep on showing us your strength. I Love You For This!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Dumb ASS Political cartoons
I'm really not that into politics, but do have several opinions and ideas of how I think the country should be ran, but since I don't vote I'll just keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. Except that I completely disagree with our soldiers going to Iraq! What a joke. Weapons of mass destruction? are you serious? bunch of innocent people and a handful of not jobs that hid out there. Bomb our towers! Big mistake if i was over there i would love to ram Grenades up all the Taliban, BIN LADEN, and anyone that tries in infiltrate our country and harm us I LOVE THIS COUNTRY! I don't go over to foreign soil and blow their shit up just because i don't agree with their politics. U.S.A. Land off the free home of the brave these colors don't run! EVER.
I Want a Wife
After reading I Want a Wife, I was completely taken aback. My feelings towards the opposite sex are that they are our equals. Having a Wife myself, being married for six years an now divorced, because of my total lack of respect towards her, has made me take a look at how i treat women today. Women are the most beautiful creatures on this planet. The story outlines some very disturbing passages about how that a wife is only there for our needs. What about their needs? I'm sure Judy Brady was totally making a mockery of this whole marriage scene. It however really got me to think about my views, and how I feel towards women in general. I think that a women is what helps make a better man. In my experiences in relationships the women has always been the stronger sex. yeah, so maybe their a little emotional. but I've been told that I'm a chick with a dick. It goes both ways. I mean how could we not appreciate our women, they give us life. They bear our children, they nurture, there what keeps family's together. Weaker sex? I don't think so! This Article Had me thinking that what The author wanted was a Slave, or a Nanny, Babysitter, someone to just take care of them and take care of what they wanted. TOTAL B.S.! If an when, I ever decide to get married again. I will cherish the ground she walks on and be a provider, a equal partner, A friend, Lover, And most of all treat her with total respect!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Should homosexuals be permitted to serve in the armed forces?
First of all, homosexuality is a part of our culture today.what ever a persons sexual preference my be is totally their choice and theirs alone. Wanting to serve in the military should have nothing to do with their choice of sexual partners. I'm a big supporter of our armed services. Gay, bi, straight, whatever term you want to use, is an individual choice. If you want to serve our country DO IT! its your right as a American. If others have a problem with you sexuality. F em! Serve your country and do what all good Americans can do if that's their choice Government has no right to discriminate against Homosexuality. FREEDOM TO CHOOSE. FREE WILL.
Where and how, if at all, should sex education be conducted?
Sex education, I feel should be taught to students at a early age. Not only for awareness but to educate them about sex and disease. I think that the earlier their taught the more understanding they will have. Sex education in the classroom my help prevent teen pregnancy, sexual transmitted disease's and could very well shape their values and morals relating to sex. it could also teach children that shame doesn't have to be part of sex. it could as well possibly prevent future sex offenders from committing such heinous acts. Awareness is huge for our children. Kids are not dumb. if we don't teach them they will learn or get mislead by other sources. Sex is everywhere in our society today. On billboard advertising, in TV, our music theres no way around it sex sells. Lets teach our kids. give them the facts.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Should Pornography be restricted by law?
No! absolutely not, Do I believe pornography should be restricted by law. First off its a first amendment right. we have freedom off press and speech. and free choice to view. Do I Believe their should be restrictions on porn? Yes. not to be sold to minors. No kitty porn of any kind. And never should pornographic material be in the hands of sex offenders. America is doing to much as it is to take away our rights, even if we let them succeed in taking away these small rights, I feel it could lead into a huge infringement upon our more important rights. Besides I happen to be a big fan of Porn!
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